Preparation of Çorum Traffic Circulation Plan and Improvement Proposals Consultancy Project

This study covers the analysis of the traffic circulation plan covering the city center and the surrounding areas in order to provide solutions to the transportation problems in Çorum city center and preparation of improvement proposals for this circulation plan. Also, analysis and proposals have been made regarding the technical elements for implementation. In this…

Kütahya Transportation Master Plan

The PTV Visum software, which incorporates a series of mathematical prediction and route preference formulas, has been used to analyze the current state of road travel demand comprehensively in terms of economic, social, and technical aspects and to generate solutions. Within the scope of this study: By inputting current data and planned projects, which will…

T.C. Bursa Metropolitan Municipality Traffic Management Center (TMC) Project – Traffic Engineering Studies

In the scope of the Bursa Metropolitan Municipality Traffic Management Center (TMC) Project, traffic engineering problems have been addressed at 91 signalized and non-signalized intersections under the responsibility of Bursa Metropolitan Municipality. Singular, corridor, and/or regional simulation models of the intersections were created using current traffic count data and existing signal plans in the PTV…

Tashkent Signal Master Plan, Signal Time Optimization and Coordination

Within the scope of this project, the existing structure of all intersections was examined, the infrastructure and superstructure components of the intersections were evaluated, proposed signal groups were prepared in line with these evaluations, capacity analyses were performed using the existing signal plans, the count data presented for the intersections were evaluated, the data obtained…